You Move Faster on Shortcuts

When you build a shortcut you’re going to start moving faster. Not only are you cutting corners, you’re going to be sprinting over them. The longer the shortcut, the more speed you’re going to pick up while you run along it.

Obviously you’re going to need enough tiles to make the shortcut, so don’t try building a massive shortcut when you’ve only got a small stack of tiles to work with.


You’ll Jump When You Run Out Of Tiles

When you run out of tiles you’ll leap forwards. This final jump covers a decent chunk of ground, but it’s best not to rely on it unless you absolutely have to. It’s definitely a weapon of last resort.

It’s still an important thing to know, though and can save you from some sticky situations. You’ll grab on to the edge of the road as well, and while it’ll slow you down, it’s better than dying.


You Can Kill Opponents

You can hit opponents from behind to knock them off the path and kill them. You’ll also steal all of their tiles, so it’s well worth doing if you manage to catch up with someone.

You’ll also want to keep an eye out on what’s happening behind you. If there’s someone coming up on your rear, try and avoid them smashing into you.


You Can Use Other Player’s Shortcuts

When another player has built a shortcut, you can use it yourself. You won’t get the speed boost that you get from building your own, but you’ll still cut out chunks of the path.

Following a player over their shortcut is a good way to sneak up on them and try and kill them. Remember that other racers can use your shortcuts too, but if you’re far enough in the lead it shouldn’t matter.


You Don’t Need To Increase Your Gold

Right now there isn’t anything you can spend your gold on. That means it’s a waste of time to watch the videos at the end of a race to increase your coffers.

You’ll have to watch a video most times, but they’re skippable so it isn’t too much of a chore. Don’t waste your time upgrading your gold score and you’ll be able to jump quickly into the next round.